Shockproof – Haworth Enterprises Read Online Xavier Neal

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 66977 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 223(@300wpm)

“Mm…babies feel like a lot more.”

Snickers joyfully float through the air as he leads us out of the secluded space.

I don’t know if he’s gonna get that Christmas wish in particular, but I do know I can at least grant him the gift of talking about it.

Expressing my own feelings regarding what I see in our future.

Where I see it.

When I’d like to see it.

You know, particularly after we’ve caught the person that wants me dead.

We’re just a few steps away from entering the kitchen when Blu stops shoveling a bite of waffle covered in honey to wave his fork at us. “If her underwear falls out of your pocket again, you’re walking home, motherfucker.”

While his wording is bright yellow and bouncy, it still manages to burn my cheeks during its passing. “Ohmygod, that’s happened?!”

“You can’t make me walk home, Little Boy Blu.” Slater’s fingers slip from mine so that he can continue to stroll further into the room. “It’s my truck.”

“And it’s my eyes that you keep harming.” Honey drips off the soggy treat. “My retinas can’t handle anymore. I’ve practically been blinded by their brightness.”

More heat flushes my cheeks stunning me silent.


“You really wanna try to pull that shit?” my boyfriend pokes back, letters springing through the air indicating the level of mirth he’s using. “Alright. How do you think my retinas felt when they saw that sunflower nipple pasty stuck to the bottom your shoe two days ago?”

“That’s where that went?!” Aviva squeaks from the bar seat opposite of where Blu is standing.

“Fuck, I wish I had something weird to contribute to this conversation,” Reynolds grouses around the apple slice he’s smacking on.

“Don’t,” Blu and Slater playfully bite in unison.

He tosses a hand up in surrender right before Aviva teases, “It’s so cute when you two do that. You’re like the giant honeybees working together to keep your hive cool. Or warm depending on the season. Keeping everything just right for larvae is a lot more difficult for the Asian honeybees considering where they like to have their hives.” She lifts her coffee mug with two hands around the time I take the seat beside her. “You two often mirror their teamwork mentality. Putting the bee in brotherhood.”

Aviva’s science like joke causes her to giggle yet her boyfriend to quietly deny, “Baby…no. Just…no.”

“I thought that was clever!”

“It was smart,” I artfully try to contribute only to receive an amused grunt from Slater.

“Oh, when she makes a bad pun, she’s smart,” he places a cup of coffee down in front of me, “but when I make one, I’m tryin’ to win Dad Joke of the Year.”

“What can I say?” Picking up the mug is attached to a smirk. “She’s prettier than you are.”

“Facts,” Blu concurs and has another bite of his breakfast.

“How about we go over the facts one more time?” Slater smoothly segues. “Wiz is fuckin’ sure that was the accountant he caught leavin’ a private airstrip last week?”

“Positive,” his other best friend confirms. “Facial recognition and credit card usage all confirm it’s him. He’s here. He’s got round the clock security. He’s…doing…whatever the fuck he does. He just isn’t in the mood for Thai yet, I guess.”

Slater nods and adds butter to his to go cup of coffee. “And there’s no chance he’s gone to this restaurant after hours?”

“Surveillance footage from the cameras in the area say no.”

My timing regarding this whole thing was impeccable. I managed to get through that data only to have him arrive in town the very next evening. Digitally monitoring his movements is Wiz’s department; however, it’s almost like the accountant is going out of his way to make himself more difficult to track. Almost like he knows someone is watching him, which feels improbable, but sadly not impossible.

“Here’s to hopin’ he makes a move soon,” my boyfriend states on a sarcastic cheer with his beverage.

“Seriously, man,” Blu grumbles upon finishing up the last of his meal. “I’m so fucking tired of looking and smelling and moaning about Thai food in my sleep.”

Reynolds stops mid chew to inquire, “You moan about food in your sleep?”

“Who doesn’t?” Blu jabs back, genuine curiosity causing his yellow lettering to curl.

“Why don’t you two just have some?” Aviva quickly investigates. “Afterall, it’s right there.”

“That’s against recon protocol,” Wahl answers enroute to his go bag by the door.

“You’d think the dude was a religious nut with the way he worships that fucking word,” the man responsible for watching his six gripes during the dropping of his dishes in the sink.

The second I’ve swallowed the sip in my mouth, I eagerly state, “I totally understand.”

Slater shoots me a harsh yet sexy scowl. “Don’t make me change your codename to Petunia.”

There’s no resisting the disgusted gag he conjures up. “You wouldn’t…”

“You said the same thing about me streakin’ last year in thirty-degree weather when we bet on The Winter Classic and what happened?” His crooked smirk is accompanied by him swinging his bag over his shoulder. “My dick damn near caught frostbite.”

