Smokeshow Read Online Abbi Glines

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 75734 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

I reached in and took some strawberries before closing the door. I popped one in my mouth as I walked over to sit at the table. Seeing as we were alone, I thought this would be a good time to apologize for my behavior last night.

“I didn’t know about Angel. I’m sorry ab—”

She held up her hand to stop me. “You didn’t know. I don’t hold it against you. I’d have acted worse in your position. You held it together way longer than I’d expected. I should have stayed upstairs with Angel. It was my intention, but she was determined to come downstairs and see what the noise was. Then, she saw you, and, well …” Gina shrugged. “I let Blaise deal with her, and I stayed with you.”

I took a drink of my coffee, not sure what to say to that. I didn’t want to ask her more questions, especially about Angel. Besides, I didn’t have to know everything about Blaise and his life right away. That was what getting to know people consisted of. Finding out as we went along. Blaise just had a lot of things in his life that were strange. That was all.

“How long do you think they’ll be?” I asked, then added, “I wasn’t sure if I should call Melanie to come get me.”

“Fuck no. Please, for all that is holy, do not call one of the Houstons or Trev to come get you. The shit that would hit the fan.” She shook her head. “Trust me, he doesn’t need that distraction right now.”

Okay, so he was going to keep me here? I did live at the Houstons’. I started to ask why that was an issue, but decided against it. I drank more coffee instead.

After a few moments of silence, I felt Gina’s eyes on me, and I glanced over at her.

“You’re not asking questions. That concerns me. You like to ask questions,” she said.

I smiled and took a bite of my strawberry.

“I’m serious. Don’t leave here until Blaise returns and takes you himself,” she warned me.

I nodded.

Wanting to change the subject from her worrying I was going to jump ship, I decided to talk about the racetrack. Since I knew now that she had grown up with racehorses too.

“So, do you have a horse?” I asked her. “That you race?” I added.

She shook her head. “Never got into it. I can ride one, but they were not something I cared for that much.”

A door opened, and that stopped me from inquiring about the track and if she went to races. Her head snapped up, and she looked toward the door.

“They’re home. Better get breakfast going,” she said, standing up and slipping her phone into her pocket.

I stood up too. “I can help. You tell me what you need, and I’ll do it.”

She raised her eyebrows at me. “You know how to cook?”

I laughed then. I’d been cooking meals since I had been tall enough to stand in a chair and reach the stove. “Anything you need, I can do it,” I assured her.

She nodded. “Okay then. You start the eggs. Scramble up about two dozen.”

Holy crap! No wonder they had so many eggs. Who all were we feeding?

I didn’t ask though. I went to get the eggs out of the fridge.

“Skillets are under there,” she told me, pointing to a cabinet to the left of the sink.

“I’m hungry, G!” Levi said as he entered the kitchen and tossed his cowboy hat on the table. “You’ve not started yet?”

Gina shot him an annoyed glare over her shoulder. “Didn’t know how long y’all would be. Did you want a cold breakfast?”

Huck walked in and slapped Levi on the back of the head. “Stop bitching,” he grumbled, and then his eyes met mine. “You cooking?” he asked, sounding surprised.

“Helping,” I replied.

Blaise walked into the room, and seeing him in the daylight with his hat, pearl snap shirt, and faded jeans made my stomach feel funny and my heart beat faster. Yep, I was in this entirely too deep. I cared more for him than I should, but there was no reversing it now. Seeing him made me happy.

His gaze locked on me as he continued around the others until he was close enough to slip a hand around my waist and pull me in for a kiss. The scent of leather and mint washed over me, and I sank into him. His body was hard and warm. It felt like being wrapped up in sunshine.

When he stopped kissing me, he hovered over my mouth with his for a moment.

“Good morning,” he whispered.

“Good morning,” I replied softly.

“Fuck, when did you get so damn mushy?” Gage asked.

Blaise turned his head to look at Gage, but didn’t let me go. “Got a problem?” he asked.

“He’s just jealous,” Huck replied with a laugh. “He’s not got a hot piece of ass walking around the kitchen, making him breakfast.”

