The Raven King Read Online Nora Sakavic (All for Game #2)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for the Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 109903 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 366(@300wpm)

"That's a cheap way out," Andrew supplied with a bright, mocking smile. "Getting someone else to clean up behind your mess? Oh, Neil. Do better than that next time, won't you? You're boring when your tail's between your legs."

"Fuck you," Neil said. "Your theory is still just that: a theory. When you prove it—"

"What, it'll miraculously make it easier for you to look Allison in the eyes?" Andrew feigned shock. "When I prove it, it puts a target on Seth's back and a paintbrush in your hands. Rethink that a bit, would you?"

Neil didn't have an answer for that. Andrew only gave him a couple seconds before he laughed and walked off. Neil watched him go and wondered which one of them he hated more.

"I won't bring her," Kevin said, because someone had to break the quiet. "You might have brought Riko's wrath down on the striker line, but I'm the reason he's in the south in the first place. Neither of us has the right to speak to Allison now."

"You think Andrew's right," Neil said.

"Yes," Kevin said.

"You don't kill people over a game."

"It isn't a game where I come from," Kevin said. "I know Riko was behind this. I know what people like him are like. Be glad you'll never understand the way they think."

Any other time, Neil would be relieved to hear such words from Kevin. It meant Andrew hadn't told Kevin the truth about Neil's past and that Kevin had yet to recognize Neil. For a split second though, Neil considered correcting him. He wanted to tell Kevin he'd seen a lot of cruel things done but that none of them had been this senseless. Neil's father had a fierce and loyal syndicate. Few people were stupid enough to insult the Butcher; fewer tried crossing him. When they did, the Butcher made an example of them—of them, not their neighbor or coworker. Riko should have come after Neil for what he'd said, not taken it out on Seth.

"Hey," Nicky called from the end of the aisle. Neil was grateful for the distraction, but Nicky was slow to approach. "I can't handle anymore doom and gloom today. Whatever you guys are talking about needs to stop before I get down there, okay?"

Kevin answered by turning soundlessly away. Nicky still looked a little leery as he stopped at Neil's side. Neil looked at the massive bundle of clothes in his arms, none of which looked appropriate for a banquet. He wasn't going to ask, but Nicky noticed the glance and puffed up with pride.

"I have good taste in clothes, right? If you want to try them on you can, but you don't have to. I know they'll fit."

"Why would I try them on?"

"Oh, because these are yours." Nicky said it like Neil should already know that, then kept going before Neil could react. "Did you know Coach has been waiting for us to fix your wardrobe since, like, June? He threatened to sign us up for a marathon if we didn't do something about it. A freaking marathon, Neil. Guys like me aren't supposed to run that far. Do me a favor and don't argue about it."

"There's nothing wrong with the clothes I have."

"Can we go back to the part where I said not to argue? I remember it pretty clearly considering it happened just five seconds ago." Nicky moved the clothes out of Neil's reach when Neil moved as if to take them from him. "Um, no. I'll hang onto this. You're supposed to be finding pants."

Neil silently counted to ten, but it didn't do much against his flaring impatience. "I am not shopping with any of you ever again."

"So you think. Man, I'm starting to see why Andrew left you here," Nicky said. "Good thing he ignored me when I told him to take you along."

"Take me along where?"

"Oh, you know," Nicky said vaguely. "Task at hand, Neil. The longer you stall the longer we're stuck here."

Neil pushed Andrew, Allison, and Riko from mind and focused on finding something to wear. Slacks were easy to pick out, but Nicky rejected the first several shirts Neil considered. Finally Neil gave up and let Nicky choose something for him. They went up to the registers together, but then Nicky refused to let go of Neil's unwanted clothes. He batted at Neil's hands and turned stubbornly away.

"Why would you pay for all this when you didn't want it in the first place? Technically the university is paying for it, since Coach is going to expense it. Hey," Nicky said, retreating when Neil tried again to wrest the stack from his arms. "Touch it again and I'll bite you. Don't think I won't. I will. I'm a biter. Just ask Erik."

"Stop embarrassing us." Kevin pushed them apart. "Find a different register, Nicky."

"I can buy my own things," Neil said when Nicky pranced off.

Kevin gave him a slow head-to-toe. Neil's jeans were so faded they were whitish-gray, and the hems of his shirt were frayed and coming undone. This wasn't the first time someone had looked at Neil like he was street trash, but from Kevin condescension was a thousand times more effective. The first spike of heat in Neil's stomach was shame, but he refused to let it take hold. His reasons for letting his wardrobe slide were valid. Someone like Kevin, who'd grown up in the spotlight and made a fortune off his talent, would never understand.

"I can't stand you," Neil said.

"I don't care." Kevin pointed over Neil's head at the waiting cashier. "Let's go."

When they were done they lugged their bags into the mall. They rode the next set of escalators down and Nicky led them to the towering fountain that marked the mall's center. Andrew was waiting for them there, sitting cross-legged on the faux marble wall surrounding the water. He didn't look up at their approach, too busy tapping away at the phone in his hands. Nicky dropped the bags on the ground on front of Andrew and leaned over to get a better look.

