Unbreakable Stories Rowe Read Online Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott (Unbreakable Bonds #3.5)

Categories Genre: Funny, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Unbreakable Bonds Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 37
Estimated words: 34284 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 171(@200wpm)___ 137(@250wpm)___ 114(@300wpm)

“You’re telling me you don’t find other men hot? Not even Andrei?”

“Yeah, he’s hot. I find lots of people hot—men and women—but that doesn’t mean I want to sleep with them. I want only one person. And that’s you. I’ve always been this way. I give my heart and that person is it for me.” He kissed him again. “I’m happier than I thought I’d ever be. I want to build a life with you. Just this morning, I was in that kitchen on the houseboat and thinking about talking to you about doing some remodeling to our house. Or maybe even looking for something a little bigger. I’m not married to the place, and starting completely fresh is appealing.”

Noah nodded. “Someplace with a bigger yard for the dogs.”

“There are so many things I want us to do together. I even think about us having a kid maybe. Someday.”

The man froze under his hand. “Children? Really?”

“I said, kid. Singular. There are a lot of kids out there who need homes.” Rowe pulled a wet curl off Noah’s cheek. “But who knows? We may love being parents and decide on more.”

“Huh.” Blue eyes stared into his. “I’d like that.”

Rowe wanted to make him happy, wanted it with every fiber of his being. He knew that he would never be entirely over the death of his wife, but he also knew there was plenty of room in his heart for this man. He’d loved Noah for years but hadn’t been ready to admit it to himself. That hesitance had hurt Noah so badly. He’d spend his life trying to make up for that, even though Noah never said a word about it. There were emotional layers to this man that touched Rowe constantly. He made him see the world in new ways.

“I love you, Noah.”

Noah came up to bring their mouths together again. God, he tasted good. This time, they opened to each other, tongues sliding lazily together. They did nothing else. Just kissed and kissed and he didn’t pull back until he heard the motor of a passing boat. He smiled down at Noah. “Let’s swim.”

“You just want an excuse to slide all over me under the water.”

“Fuck, yeah.” Rowe stood and tugged Noah to his feet.

They spent the next couple of hours swimming and napping in the sun. They even sneaked into the trees for quick hand jobs when all the slick skin and sliding finally got to them both. They came out when a boat motor sounded close enough to get them caught and found a bunch of twenty-somethings setting up a volleyball net in the shallows just down from their Jet Skis. They were invited for beers and a game. They stayed for five.

Hunger finally sent them back to the boat and as Rowe raced along the water next to Noah, he kept glancing over and something told him that Noah had really ditched that worry over Rowe and another woman. He could feel the change in the man and had all afternoon as they goofed off in the water. Good. He’d lucked out when it came to landing this man, and he never wanted Noah to doubt him again.

Chapter 4

Noah flopped down on the sofa next to Andrei and heaved a heavy sigh. After disappearing for the day on the Jet Skis, he and Rowe had drawn cleanup duty for after dinner. He was half convinced that Andrei had dirtied dishes and silverware just so they’d have to clean it up, but he couldn’t complain. Steaks, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and salad that didn’t taste like it came out of a bag—the man wasn’t a bad cook at all.

“Admit it,” Noah started, grinning over at Andrei. “You’ve been getting lessons from Ian.”

Andrei’s head dropped back against the back of the sofa as his laughter rang out. “I take it that dinner was okay.”

“Those steaks were perfect.”

“Fucking perfect,” Rowe added as he stepped out onto the rear patio of the main deck. He stretched his arms over his head, letting his fingers brush against the low ceiling as he sighed in satisfaction. His T-shirt rode up, revealing a glimpse of flat stomach and the hint of red hair disappearing under his shorts. Noah was pretty sure that his view at that moment was fucking perfect. A part of him wanted to drag Rowe back to their bedroom and stretch the man out on their bed, but he stayed seated with Andrei, enjoying the peace and quiet of the lake. He’d drag Rowe later.

“But seriously…cooking lessons?” Noah teased.

Andrei gave Noah a shove with his forearm, still smirking. “Yes, Ian has been giving me some pointers. He knows that Lucas is helpless in the kitchen but apparently, I’ve got a chance at learning a few things. He may have gone to the grocery with me to pick out the steaks.”

