Whiskey Throttle Read online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 81272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

“Take your time. We have nowhere else we want to be today,” I told him, and he gave me a thankful smile before slipping out.

“Oh, I like that color on your nails.” Rush pointed to Trey’s hand. He must have painted his nails again himself because it was different from what I had done last.

“You do?” Trey asked.

“Yeah. It looks nice.”

“Do you ever…” Trey’s question hung in the air.

“It’s not something I’ve had the desire to do, but it would be okay if I did. There’s nothing wrong with a man painting his nails,” Rush answered.

“I wasn’t sure how you felt about it. I know Linc likes it, but you’re like…you race dirt bikes and stuff like that.” My heart bled for Trey. He had so many gender-role stereotypes in his head because it was all he’d seen.

“Someone who races dirt bikes can like pretty nails just like anyone. In fact, if you have nail polish here right now, I’d be honored to have you paint mine,” Rush told him. “There are no limits to who we are and what we can like. I did use to try on my mom’s clothes as a kid, though. Especially her shoes. God, I loved her shoes. I would spend the day riding dirt bikes and then my evenings raiding my mom’s shoe collection. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”

“That’s so cute. Why didn’t I ever know that about you?” I asked.

“Did she know? Your mom?” Trey asked.

“At the time she didn’t, but I told her later, and she was bummed she didn’t get to do fashion shows with me. She loved me regardless,” Rush replied.

“My dad is a big sports guy. He’s…different from me. Well, I’m different from him, or the way I’m supposed to be, I guess, and—”

“Wait,” I interrupted. “You’re not different from how you’re supposed to be, Trey. You’re exactly who and what you’re supposed to be.”

“Thank you.” He nodded. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t told him before, but I thought about myself. How good Rush always was to me, yet I was still afraid of him hurting me. Our minds and fears were sometimes our biggest enemies. “Anyway, I’m different from him. I was afraid he wouldn’t accept me, but he does. He doesn’t always understand, but he tries.”

“That’s what a parent is supposed to do,” Rush told him. “And it sounds like you have an incredible dad.”

“I do,” Trey replied.

“Did Linc tell you about the interview I’m doing?” Rush asked, and Trey shook his head. “I’m working with a journalist to tell my story about being in supercross. Part of that will talk about the fact that I’m a gay man in professional sports. I wasn’t sure I was going to do it. I’m not proud to admit it, but I think part of me was scared. I’m out, yes, but my sexuality has always been off-limits when it comes to interviews. Even I was afraid of stereotypes and what people might think, but then Linc talked to me about you, and that’s why I decided to do it—because of you.”

“No shit?” Trey asked, before his eyes widened at his curse.

“Your secret is safe with us,” I teased.

“Really?” he asked Rush. “I…wow…I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. I just want you to focus on getting well, and I want you to always be who you are. From what I can see, that’s a pretty amazing guy.” Rush’s words settled into my chest. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him.

“I will. I promise,” Trey replied. “God, I can’t wait until I have my first boyfriend.”

We all laughed. “Rush is my first one too. It’s pretty great. You’ll get there.”

We chatted a bit about everything. Trey was in awe of Rush, and I thought maybe Rush was in awe of him too.

It was about an hour later when things got a little quiet, and I could tell something was wrong.

“Is everything okay? Are you feeling all right?” I asked, my gut suddenly in knots.

“Yeah, it’s okay. It’s just… If everything goes well after this, I only have one more round of chemo,” Trey said.

“That’s a good thing, right? You’re getting healthy. I’m already planning all the places we can go and things we can do to celebrate!”

Fireworks went off in his big brown eyes before they dimmed again. “We’re probably going to have to move… Dad’s company is leaving, and they offered him a transfer, but he knew I wouldn’t want to go. He’s been having trouble finding another job, though. Our apartment is raising their prices, and they suck anyway. Dad says if we move, maybe he can find better work and maybe we can afford a house. It sounds cool. I’d love a house, but…I don’t want to start over. I don’t want to try and fit in somewhere else. I know you, and you told me about the Fever Falls LGBTQ center I can go to when I get better. I’m finally meeting people, and I don’t want to leave.”

