Wrath Read Book Online L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole (Wrong #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: , Series: Wrong Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 85183 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

He stares at me, his eyes possessing a hardness I've never seen from him before. "I'm going with you."


"Shit, Jude." He grabs the sides of his head and groans. "I care about her too, you know."

"You are not coming, Caleb. This has nothing to do with you. I need you here to make sure shit runs smoothly." I glare at him in warning as I step into the room. I don't want him going. I don't want him in that kind of danger.

Caleb marches through the doorway, and Marney steps between us, gently placing his hand on Caleb's shoulder. "Listen to your brother, boy." Marney pulls several rifles from the rack, then eyes me, shaking his head. "Somebody's got to stay here," he says.

I take several guns from the metal shelves before turning to carry them outside to the car. Caleb fumes as he follows us out into the driveway and opens the trunk for us. I throw the guns inside, step back, and stare at him. I need him to fucking understand he cannot go. Joe Campbell is not a man he can deal with. This is my fucking war, and my little brother will not fight it for me.

He slams the trunk, his eyes honing in on me. "I want to help her. Please, just let me help her." I can see tears building in his eyes, and I feel sorry for him, but I won't risk his life like this.

"No, Caleb! You can help her by staying the fuck right here. Don't argue with me about this." I yank the driver's side door open, climb in and turn the engine. I glare back up at Caleb. "You. Stay. Here," I order before closing the door. He shakes his head and hesitantly turns back toward the house.

"I mean it, Caleb." I shout as I pull out of the drive. "You keep your ass right here!"

Marney and I have been on the road for hours. We've barely said three words to each other. For the past forty minutes there's been nothing but dirt roads, farms, and run-down buildings. I cut the headlights because we're getting close, which means it's pitch-fucking-black outside. I can barely see anything. If it weren't for the full moon, I'd be driving blind. The car bumps along the uneven road causing the guns and ammunition in the back seat to rattle.

"You've arrived at your destination," the GPS announces as we come up on a dented metal mailbox.

I pull off into the gravel driveway and cut the engine. As soon as I open the door, the humid night air swallows me. I grab the gun from the door, and head toward the house with Marney following closely behind me.

A dim haze from the television lights the front window to the house. Aside from that, the place is entirely dark. We creep through the overgrown grass, the buzz from the crickets silencing as we make our way to the side porch. I stop in front of the door, completely calm and focused. I will not fuck around with this. I don't have the time.

I raise my gun, cock it, and kick the flimsy door down. The man is sprawled out on the couch watching television; his hand shoved inside his underwear. The commotion startles him, and he jumps up, reaching to the side table for his gun, but mine is aimed at his head already.

"Don't even fucking bother," I growl. "You touch that gun, you die."

He backs away as I come at him, which is stupid because now he's right up against a wall. I shove the tip of my pistol into his mouth, and he flinches, his eyes pulsing open in fear.

"Tell me where the fuck Joe Campbell is," I say, calmly.

He doesn't say anything. Just carefully shakes his head, and squeezes his eyes closed.

"You have three fucking seconds to tell me where he is."

I silently count to three, shrug, then, BAM. Warm blood splatters over my chest and face and the man's body drops to the floor. I'm not in a mood to fuck around. I head to the back door, stopping to swipe a can of beer from the counter on my way out. I pop the top and guzzle the warm lager before I step over the broken door.

"Boy!" Marney strolls leisurely down the steps behind me, lighting a cigarette. "You're losing your shit."

I shrug and toss the can onto the ground. "I have a list of people to get through. One of the fuckers will say something the first time I ask."

Marney bends over to pick up the can of beer. "What the hell is this?" he shakes the can at me. "Your pops didn't teach you to be stupid. You want to go to jail? Shit. Leaving fucking DNA everywhere. Use your head, boy!"

