Bridget’s Bane – Icehome Read Online Ruby Dixon

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 106646 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 533(@200wpm)___ 427(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

"No, no, everyone gets to taste," Lauren calls out, and the group is laughing again. I relax a little, because at least they're not laughing at me. Instead, it looks like the entire camp is having a good time tasting things. One of Raahosh's little girls hovers over Brooke's shoulder, clearly waiting for samples, and others are crowded around just having a good time. Even R'jaal and I'rec are amused, and O'jek is smiling. I don't know if I've ever seen O'jek smile, but he must enjoy having Daisy as a partner more than me.

I look around for my “partner,” A'tam, but he's nowhere to be seen. That's just as well. I don't need everyone speculating on how things are between us.

"Explain the rules," Sam calls out, her hands cupped to her mouth. She sits squeezed between Flor and Harlow.

"I'm getting there!" Lauren says, laughing. She steers me toward the first “station,” where Daisy and O'jek sit. "Okay. Each team has to create a culinary masterpiece for everyone to try. They can use anything in camp, but the rules are that it has to be edible. No ruining food. And you have to make enough for everyone. So you taste each one, and whoever comes in first place gets four points, second place three, third two, et cetera. Whoever has the least points at the end of the day is knocked out of the competition…and has to eat the leftovers."

I put my hand to my mouth, trying not to giggle at the thought. That is a pretty funny punishment, and a fitting one given that no one likes to waste food at all. I think of the face Mari made as she tasted R'jaal and I'rec's creation and suspect I already know who's going to lose. Games and having fun are what get everyone through the long brutal season, though, and I want to join in. Despite my initial reluctance, I'm drawn into the playfulness.

"All right, are you ready to taste?" Lauren asks me. She waves a hand, and her mate, K'thar, comes forward with a freshly cleaned plate and cup for me to use. I thank him with a smile and nod at her. She gestures to Daisy and O'jek. "Sample number one. Why don't you tell them all about it, you two?"

Daisy looks over at O'jek.

He frowns, as if it's obvious. He gestures at the bowl. "It is food."

Chuckles erupt. Daisy nudges him with her shoulder, giggling. "You're supposed to sell it up, remember?"

O'jek gives me a toothy smile. "Fresh food."

Daisy leans on him, full of laughter, her head in his shoulder. O'jek glances over at her and I could swear he blushes. Oh boy. No wonder he hated having me as a partner. He's clearly crushing on Daisy…but who isn't? She's fucking adorable, which I hate. O'jek must really be annoyed that A'tam's sleeping with her, then. Maybe that's why he looks so darn uncomfortable.

Maybe this is why A'tam isn't here. He doesn't like seeing Daisy flirt with O'jek. Then again, I don't, either. Isn't she supposed to be with A'tam?

And if A'tam's so damn in love with me and I'm the “one,” how come he jumped right to her the moment she arrived?

I have no answers, and it hurts to try to think through it, so I decide to be the bigger person. I clear my throat and hold my plate out. "May I try your fresh food?"

Daisy serves up a bit for me. "It's a stew," she says, her eyes twinkling with amusement, her cheeks pink from the crisp air. "A lovely, lightly simmered stew of hopper with diced not-potato and just a hint of herbs to give it a kick."

"It's lovely," I say, sniffing the bit that's put on my plate. Penny rushes over and hands me a carved spoon, and I poke at the bits. They do smell fragrant and herby, and my mouth waters. I haven't eaten anything since last night and I'm ready. I take a big bite…and immediately have regrets. There are a lot of herbs. Like, far too many. They taste strong and overwhelming and I cough, just a little.

Someone snickers.

"How is it?" Daisy asks.

I manage to swallow. "A little strong," I say, my eyes watering. I dab at them as politely as I can, using my sleeve. I don't want to be unfair, though. "But that's just my opinion. I bet it tastes great to sa-khui and islander tongues."

"So diplomatic," Lauren says, grinning. A ripple of laughter breaks out again.

"It does not taste good to islander tongues either," chimes in U'dron.

There's more laughter, and Daisy breaks into another fit of musical giggles. Even O'jek's sheepish expression isn't hurt or angry, and I'm relieved. Everyone's just having fun. Nothing here will be used against anyone in the future, I hope. It makes me a little uneasy, though. I'm glad that I'm not in this portion of the competition, because I'd find it too stressful.

