Never with Me Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 87298 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 436(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

I want more.

I want Ramsey.

I shouldn’t want her. Not only am I ten years her senior, but she’s my little sister’s best friend. She also has a troubled past, and her cousin is my best friend. The list of reasons why I shouldn’t make her mine is long, but not nearly as long as all the reasons why I want her.

I’ve asked myself countless times if I’m willing to harm those relationships to be with her. Is the age difference too much for us to overcome? When I’m around her, it doesn’t feel like our age is a divide. No, the only divide I feel is the fact that she’s not mine. That I can’t yell from the rooftops that she’s my girl. I feel protective and enamored. Our age difference is nonexistent when I’m with her.

Finally, I hear a car door slam, and my heart rate kicks up just knowing I’m about to lay eyes on her. Palmer texted me about an hour ago and said she was getting ready to leave her place to pick Ramsey up before heading here.

She’s here.

I want to rush to the door, pull it open, and tug her into my arms. I want to taste her lips and hold her body next to mine. Instead, I make my way to the living room and take a seat on the couch. I pull my phone out of my pocket and pretend to be interested in what I’m looking at when I hear the front door open. I knew Palmer would make herself right at home.

“Deacon!” Palmer calls. “Where are you hiding?”

“In the living room,” I call back.

“Oh, no!” Palmer’s arm flies out beside her to block Ramsey. “He’s sick. Quick, call for help,” Palmer says, barely containing her laughter.

“What?” Ramsey asks, and she sounds almost panicked.

Palmer loses control of her laughter. “He must be sick. He’s not working. It’s been well… years since I’ve seen my brother just sitting on the couch without his laptop and a million files surrounding him,” she teases.

“Oh.” Ramsey’s shoulders drop as if she’s relieved.

“You’re hilarious,” I deadpan.

“Seriously though.” Palmer sobers. “You’re not working today?”

“No.” I don’t give her an explanation because telling her that I can’t stop thinking about her best friend long enough to concentrate isn’t something I want to reveal just yet.

“For real, are you feeling okay?” Palmer asks.

I barely, just barely, stop myself from rolling my eyes. It’s the concern in her voice that stops me. “I’m fine. Just taking a much-needed day off.”

“Huh.” She nods. “Well, all right then. Let’s get down to business.” She places her bag on the coffee table. Reaching inside, she pulls out an iPad. “Sit.” She points at Ramsey and then to the couch.

My eyes follow Ramsey as she moves to take the seat next to me on the couch. She’s not as close as I’d like her to be, but she’s close enough I can smell her floral scent.

“So, I normally wouldn’t edit this many, but this shoot was pure gold. You two were the perfect subjects,” Palmer explains as she taps the screen. “Seriously, some of these were just hot. I fear I’m going to have a hard time convincing my customers that the two of you were strangers. Here.” My sister thrusts her iPad toward me. “Just scroll to the left.”

“You said we have veto power, right?” I clarify.

“Yes, but I’m telling you, you’re not going to want to veto any of them. See for yourself.” She nods toward the iPad in my hands.

I look over at Ramsey. “Are you ready for this?” She nods, but her teeth have her bottom lip held hostage. Something tells me she’s not much on telling anyone how she really feels. I want to let her know she can tell me anything, but instead, I do one better. I move a little closer, holding the iPad between us. Her toned, tanned legs are pressed against mine, and my cock takes notice.

Tapping on the screen, the first image pops up. It’s the two of us, smiling at each other, still standing a few feet apart. It’s our initial introduction, and it’s hard to believe since that very moment, she’s consumed my every thought.

I keep scrolling. I’m giving us both time to study each image. When I come to the images of her leaning against the wall and me caging her in, I hear Ramsey suck in a breath.

“I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back,” Palmer says, moving swiftly down the hall.

“You want to veto this one?” I ask Ramsey.

“Do you?” she asks.

“That’s not what I asked you.”

“I know, but I’m just curious as to what you want?”

“I don’t care who sees these images, Ramsey. My insistence that we could hold veto power was for you.”

“For me?” Her big blue eyes show her surprise.

