El Diablo II Read online M. Robinson (The Devil #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Devil Series by M. Robinson

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 89772 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

“He’s a good man.”

“How? Because he answers to you and La Famiglia?”

He ignored my question. “Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore, Principessa,” uttering, “I love you with all my heart.” Taking one last look at me, he leaned forward and kissed my shoulder.

I thought this was where our conversation would end. He’d want our time together to finish on a sweet and tender moment.

I was wrong.

Instead, he spun me around again until I was facing him this time. Before I could say another word, he lifted my veil, placing it in front of my face.

Ending our father, daughter moment, he added, “I’ll allow you to have your opinion on this arranged marriage as you call it, but don’t for one second think I don’t expect you to be Cruz’s wife from the minute you say, ‘I do.’ You know the tradition, Sienna. Tomorrow morning, I await to hear he received the greatest gift I could have given him…”

I shut my eyes, I had to. I knew what he was going to say.


Chapter 19


I scanned the room with measured control, staring back at the sea of eyes who took sight of my pose front and center of the church. Making sure the guards were in their proper places and cameras were aligned correctly in every corner of the cathedral. We took extra precautions for the day.

Between El Diablo surprise re-emerging and our wedding, we couldn’t be too careful. The number of reporters outside of the church was fucking insane. Of course, my father was insistent on walking into the church through the front doors, versus the back where he could have gone unnoticed. The press hounded him with question after question.

“Why did you fake your own death?”

“Are you afraid of the repercussions that might present themselves?”

“Do you have a death wish, coming out after all these years?”

“Why here? Why now?”

He answered each to the best of his ability. Making sure to pay tribute to his family, revealing he was coming out of hiding to celebrate his only son’s big day. It was time for the world to know the truth of his death.

The journalists were in awe of how much he sacrificed for love, given his reputation as the devil. Every newspaper would print what we wanted them to. We’d have the news stations on our side in hopes of exploiting organized crime. Stirring the pot for the men who kidnapped Adriana to fear the fact El Diablo was looking like a hero. Of course, my father played it up for the cameras, creating a frenzy and the media couldn’t get enough.

Most of the people in attendance for our ceremony, I didn’t know from a hole in the wall.

But, I trusted Luciano.

My soon to be father-in-law.

I recognized the faces of the men who mattered, they were the only ones of importance. With an asserted expression, I gave the guests no doubt of my intentions on this day.

There I was…

Turning the pages, opening the next chapters of my life. In the last month, we hadn’t received any more updates on Adriana. I searched for answers, ending up with more questions than I had to begin with. The only thing I’d accomplished was settling in the darkness all around me. I lived every day waiting on orders of who to go after next. Finding satisfaction in the souls I continued to collect.

Enemies’ blood on my hands was what I found the most gratification in. In the span of four months, I was a distant memory of who I used to be, while I embraced the ruthless man I’d become.

No remorse.

No pity.

No second chances.

I did what I was told to do.


I was paying my dues. Being the son of El Diablo, my place in line started further ahead than the rest of the mad men. Although, more was expected of me since I was the spawn of The Devil. I didn’t hold back, it wasn’t in me. If I was going to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, then I was going to make damn sure nothing or no one stood in my way.

The shoes I walked in were coated in blood.

The suits I wore were lined with power and prestige.

When I stepped into a room, I demanded respect.

The sins I committed in the name of La Familia were for my benefit as much as theirs.

I watched.

I listened.

I learned.

Quickly, I realized how easy it was for me to take the throne which belonged to me.

It. Was. Mine.

The title.

The authority.

Alpha of the fucking pack.

I was the wolf, or I was the lion, it simply depended on what day it was. I stood there and thought about the life I was leading until her very presence clutched at my soul. My fiancé began walking down the aisle as if she was made just for me and only me. Out of nowhere, I once again felt an overwhelming sense of duty when it came to her.

